Clipper Blade Sharpening

A steady hand and a keen eye are essential when it comes to sharpening clipper blades. Fortunately, our team possesses both, guaranteeing precision and quality with every clipper blade that is sharpened. From dog grooming blades, to barber blades, to livestock blades, sharpening clipper blades is our specialty! These are the steps we take with every clipper blade that arrives at our shop.


Clipper blades are visually inspected before sharpening. Each part of a clipper blade is is integral to how the blade cuts. Notes are made pertaining to blade rail life, broken teeth, and any parts that are missing or require replacement. *for blades with chipped teeth, we will always sharpen them if they do not interfere with the performance of how the blade should cut

dog grooming clipper blades on table
dog grooming clipper blades on table


After the clipper blades are inspected, they are sharpened. We do not sharpen clipper blades flat. When they are sharpened flat, the teeth separate and they will not cut properly. We re-establish the proper shape which clipper blades require to cut effectively, while also concentrating on proper tension and balance to provide a smooth, consistent cutting surface.

grooming clipper blade sharpening by hand
grooming clipper blade sharpening by hand

Cleaned and Tested

After sharpening, all clipper blades are cleaned, reassembled, and tested. Once the clipper blades have been tested to cut properly, they are given a fresh coat of oil and are ready for return.

oster veterinary blades sharpened on a table
oster veterinary blades sharpened on a table

Packaged for Protection

Clipper blades are returned in bags to prevent moisture from coming in contact with the metal. Moisture leads to rust which can affect the performance of the blades. Blades are then packaged safely for travel.

dog grooming blades sharpened and ready for the mail
dog grooming blades sharpened and ready for the mail

There are a small number of blades on the market that cannot be resharpened and mostly due to the manufacturing design. If you ever have a question about your clipper blades, please feel free to contact us directly.